Our Statement of Faith
As a local mission and parachurch (with specific ministry to serving all local churches in a specific area) we are dedicated to support the little “c” church and the big “C” church.
We Believe In:
1. The God-Head Three-In-One:
The Father is God.
The Son Jesus Christ is God.
The Holy Spirit / comforter is God.
All three were present and responsible for all creation
2. The Holy Bible
Inspired word of God (2 Peter 1:21)
Ultimate guide for all believers.
A complete and living word for all men.
3. The Church
The little “c” church definition –
– Ecclesia – local congregation which submits to the Holy Bible in order with Jesus Christ as the head. The overseer of local congregation (little “c” church) must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, sober-minded, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach. 1 Timothy 3:2 ESV
The Big “C” Church Definition –
Jesus Christ the head and all members of the body of Christ also referred to as invisible Church
4. Salvation
Salvation comes to all who believe in Jesus Christ. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.” John 3:16-18, Acts 16:31.
Those who believe and accept Jesus Christ will repent or turn from worldly desires to follow Christ and receive the indwelling Holy Spirit of God to become new creatures. Romans 8, 2 Corinthians 5:17
5. Man
Man was created for fellowship with God but broke the relationship by His own disbelief and rebellion, making all men sinners. Genesis 3, Romans 5:17-18. God came to earth in the fashion of man, the man Christ Jesus, to take the punishment and pay the price for man’s sinfulness. Phil. 2:6, Romans 5:19. He died, was buried and rose from the dead to restore the relationship with Himself both here on earth and in eternity. 1 Peter 1:18-20, 1 Corinthians 15:3-6
6. Ministry, Missionary Work, and Evangelism
All ministry will support these core truths, to the effect that there is a consistent teaching of God’s sovereignty, man’s sinfulness and need for a personal Savior. Salvation comes through belief in Christ Jesus sacrifice for our sins and resurrection from the dead and our repentance toward God. Transformed lives come from seeking first the kingdom of God and following Christ as we grow in our faith.
Matthew 5:6, Matthew 16:24, John 10:27, 2 Timothy 2:22
7. Ministry, Culture, and History
To help understand our core beliefs and a small sampling of the teachings of Jesus (John 21:25) we adopt the denominational theory to help understand church history and current church culture (from late 1600’s to present). As well as the 5 solas (Latin “slogans”) that come from The Reformation of the 1500’s.
Our Denomination Theory
1. As we consider man’s inability to always see the truth clearly, differences of opinion about outward form of church are inevitable.
2. Even though differences do not involve fundamentals of the faith, they are not matters of indifference. Every Christian is obligated to practice what he believes the Bible teaches.
3. Because of this, no little “c” church has a final and full grasp of Divine Truth, the Big “C” Church of Christ cannot be fully represented by any single ecclesiastical structure or doctrine of men.
Separation /denomination don’t necessarily constitute division. It is possible to be divided in some points and still be united in Jesus Christ.
As we submit all our ways to the Lord, He will protect our thoughts and establish our paths. We desire to submit to Jesus Christ and lay down our lives for the sake of the gospel and trust Him to correct our differences, weaknesses and give us further understanding as a local Mission and parachurch.
Organizational Position on Sexuality and Marriage
Bridge Street Mission affirms the historical, biblical doctrine that marriage is to be between one man and one woman and that any sexual relationships are to be confined within marriage. Homosexual behavior, adultery, fornication and all other forms of sexual immorality are clearly condemned by God in the Scriptures. Bridge Street Mission’s conviction regarding sexual immorality does not deny God’s love and compassion for those who practice sexual immorality. Those who practice immorality, as with other sins, may receive forgiveness, cleansing through confession of sin (1 John 1:9) and divine transformation through the renewing of their mind (Romans 12:2). Bridge Street Mission also adheres to the Biblical truth that each individual is born either male or female and that distinction is given by God from conception. Bridge Street Mission does not believe that an individual has the right to change his or her God-given sexuality by physically restructuring their body to the opposite gender. Although we will continue to love and serve all people, Bridge Street Mission will not knowingly accept or retain employees or staff volunteers whose sexual behavior violates these biblical truths and principles.