Sober-Living Program Application
The Bridge Street Mission, Inc. exists to equip men and women by the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to become the people God created them to be. One of the ways we do this is via our 8-month sober-living program, with an option to enroll in our long-term (2-year) sober-living residential program upon graduation. Throughout your 8-month stay, we’ll provide comprehensive discipleship, Bible and other studies, basic household training, teamwork training, meals, a place to sleep, and more.
We’re currently taking applicants for our pilot program, which Lord willing will begin mid-2019. Participants in our pilot program will be required to participate cheerfully in all studies and household duties and in following all rules of the house. No one will be forced to remain in the pilot program for the entire stay, but we do ask that you carefully consider whether or not you are committed to getting the help we’re offering, before you begin.
***Add monthly cost, scholarship pool, etc.***
The following application is extensive and will take several hours to complete. Please be ready with all current and historical information needed to fill out the form in its entirety. Bridge Street Mission, Inc. is not required to accept program applicants, but filling out the form carefully, thoughtfully, and in its entirety will increase the likelihood that we’ll be able to take your application to the next step in our review process.
Policy of Non-Discrimination for Services
In an effort to reach all who struggle with homelessness and poverty, Bridge Street Mission, Inc. adopts the following policy on non-discrimination:
Bridge Street Mission, Inc. accepts male and female residents to its homes who are 18 years or older. Clients must be drug- and alcohol-free at time of intake and be willing to follow the home’s policies.
Given this entrance criteria, Bridge Street Mission, Inc. accepts all walk-in residents, regardless of age, race, sex, creed, religion, sexual orientation, marital status, criminal background* or type or degree of disability. Our facilities are barrier-free; however, residents must be able to work and care for themselves and not require nursing staff.
*In order to maintain a safe environment for residents, staff, and volunteers, admission of individuals with violent or sexual offenses are carefully screened and admission is not guaranteed.