Policy Violation Reporting
Making mistakes and deliberately violating rules and policies is something we all have been guilty of at one point of our lives or the other, if we’re honest. However, in order to truly help each other, and for the sake of the group as a whole, we need to help each other follow all written policies and even unwritten codes of ethics. That doesn’t mean we want individuals to report every grievance or compliant, but if something truly is a problem, this page and the following form is a way to deal with issues as they come up, in a biblical and loving way.
Our complaint and policy violation reporting and resolution process is based on Matthew 18:15-17. Because of that, please first speak with the individual yourself. If that doesn’t work, please report the violation via this form. Unless there is a reasonable reason not to do so, we will ask you to go with us to discuss the issue with the individual. If that doesn’t resolve the problem, we’ll deal with it as management and take it to the next level according to our written policies.
Note: You must sign into a Google account in order to fill out this application.